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How do I clean the outside of my hung windows? They are inaccessible from the outside.
Open the bottom sash about three inches, then use both hands to open the tilt latches on both sides simultaneously. You'll be able to reach the outside surface for easy cleaning.

Can I wash my windows without using a window cleaning product?
The following are good alternatives to window cleaning products: You can use dishwashing liquid diluted in lukewarm water, or a white vinegar/water solution (one cup for one liter of water).
Never use a product with ammonia!

How do I clean the outside of my casement windows? They are inaccessible from the outside.
A casement window opens like a door in that the sash pivots on a vertical axis (like hinges). Open it 90 degrees, and there will be enough room between the frame and sash to access the outside surface.
Maintenance of a patio door
General cleaning tips
Don’t clean your windows and patio doors in direct sunlight; opt for a cloudy (but dry) day for best results. Wash windows from the top down to prevent drips. Use gentle soap or white vinegar diluted in water (half a cup per gallon of water) instead of commercial window cleaning solutions, which often contain ammonia. Don’t use aggressive chemical products, especially those with chlorine bleach, organic solvents, acetone, muriatic, hydrofluoric, phosphoric acid or acetone; these may attack the frame and seals under certain conditions and can also permanently damage the pane. Change your wash and rinse water often.
For the glass, we recommend that you avoid aggressive chemicals like detergents or abrasive cleaners; they can streak the glass and damage the seal between the glass and frame. Soapy water or white vinegar diluted with water is the safest solution. Glass cleaning products are unnecessary and often leave a residue. Don’t worry about scratching the low-emissivity coating: it is applied on the inner surface of the insulating glass unit. Wash one side of the glass with horizontal strokes and the other side with vertical strokes. If there are still marks and streaks, you will know which side they are on. Wait for two minutes before wiping the surface with a clean damp cloth or a squeegee. Wipe the blade of the squeegee dry with the cloth each time, then dry the glass with a piece of newspaper to eliminate water spots.
PVC frames are very easily cleaned: no need to use cleaners with aggressive solvents. Avoid dry wiping: you could scratch the PVC surface. Wash the outside frame with a wet sponge and clean water to remove grime. If it is very dirty, rinse it first with a garden hose by spraying it at low pressure (never wash your windows with a high-pressure spray). Don’t rub dirt or use razor blades or metal scrapers to remove bird droppings or stubborn stains because this can scratch the PVC. Persistent stains can be removed using a plastic spatula. When necessary, use a soft toothbrush to remove dirt from corners. Then, gently wipe the frame with soapy water and rinse with warm, clean water and a soft cloth. Take time to clear any dust from weep holes to ensure good drainage when it rains. The weep holes you see on the exterior of your windows and doors are essential parts of their drainage system; they must remain clear of obstructions to function properly. Use a dry paint brush or vacuum brush attachment to clear openings. Check seals regularly: they are designed to provide long service life and don’t require any special attention. However, they can become damaged over time and regular visual checks will ensure that your windows continue performing at their very best.
Remove dust with a vacuum cleaner attachment. If necessary, you can remove the screens and wash them on a clean, flat surface with warm water and a soft brush. Rinse with clean water and allow screens to completely air dry. Before reinstalling, clean the upper and lower tracks. This document is subject to change without notice. The following guidelines will help you keep your doors and windows clean with very little effort.
Hardware can be cleaned with the same non-abrasive cleaner and soft cloth. Always rinse hardware carefully to remove any residue and dry it completely before lubricating. All moving parts should be lightly lubricated once a year to ensure smooth operation. Before lubricating movable parts, check that the lubricant is compatible with PVC: use silicone based lubricants. Avoid lubricants containing oil or acid; when in contact with glass surfaces, they can leave permanent marks.
Patio door roller tracks
Regularly remove dirt and debris to ensure proper operation: first with a vacuum cleaner and then with a sponge and soapy water to finish the cleaning. To avoid slippage, never use oil on tracks.
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